“Draw a smile on my face”

It is hard to imagine what life is like for little Maraseel, a nine year old Palestinian girl living in Gaza. Maraseel experienced extreme loss and trauma from a young age after her father passed away. After her father’s death, her mother and seven siblings were left with no income to support themselves and therefore had no means to survive. Maraseel’s mother now has to completely rely on charity donations in order to feed and clothe her children.
The tinplate house Maraseel lives in has no basic furniture. There are no beds to sleep on, and no cooker for their mother to provide her children with nutritious food. During the winter, the rain leaks in to their house and the family know they are particularly vulnerable when airstrikes happen. The fear this must instil in Maraseel is unimaginable, particularly during the recent bombardments in Gaza by the Israeli military.
Despite this, Maraseel’s innate resilience shines through. She has the hope to one day become a doctor, and she works tirelessly at school to achieve this aim. Maraseel recently became a beneficiary of Interpal’s sponsorship programme. Take a look at this letter to her sponsor:
“In the name of Allah Al Salam Alikum Wa Rahmatu Allah. My dear sponsor, may Allah bless him.
Al Hamdu lAllah Rab Al Alameen. Firstly, how are you and your family? I sincerely thank you for your continuous sponsorship and what you have done for us. With it I could meet the basic needs of food, drink and clothing and draw a smile on my face.
And as for me I am fine and healthy. I hope my letter finds you in the best of health. As for your sponsorship it arrives in time, I wish you continue to help us. May Allah bless you and reward you in heavens for this.
Wa Salam Alikum Wa Rahmatu Allah
Your sincere child, Maraseel”
If you’d like to sponsor a Palestinian child through Interpal please call us on 020 8961 9993 or visit www.interpal.org
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