Against the Odds: Man builds Gaza’s first electric car from recycled materials

Due to
the eight year siege on Gaza, Palestinians are prevented from importing basic
commodities such as gas and fuel. As a result, the people of Gaza cannot warm
their homes, cook or use vehicles to travel freely.
al-Qassas is a taxi driver from Gaza City and the fuel shortages were severely
affecting his livelihood. Muther decided to tackle this head on by working with
some electronic gadgets he had stored in his workshop on the roof of his home.
After several months, Muther
succeeded in building Gaza’s
first electric car. The car itself is entirely made out of recycled
materials, including a wooden frame and tyres taken from an old wheelbarrow.
is just one example of incredible Palestinian resilience despite all the odds,
he hopes to continue creating inventions in the future, including a solar
powered car.
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