Mahmoud Shaheen – Solar-powered wheels!

Palestinians in Gaza have limited access to electricity, with power outages lasting for up to 18 hours a day. This has a debilitating affect on almost every aspect of life. Hospitals are prevented from using equipment to treat patients and families are deprived from the simplest necessities, such as warming or lighting their homes and using daily appliances such as refrigerators to keep food fresh. The most vulnerable groups in society are left even more at risk of deprivation.
Mahmoud Shaheen lives in the Gaza Strip and suffers from these exact problems at home. He also noticed that due to the long periods of power outages, the injured or disabled were left unable to charge their electric wheelchairs to stay mobile. One day, Mahmoud acquired some electrical cells that were brought in to Gaza from Israel, with them he produced solar powered wheelchairs to help his injured and disabled neighbours. He was also able to keep his home lit at all times, even during blackouts.
In Gaza, Shaheen is now known as the Conqueror of Darkness.
Source: Al-Arabiya
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