“The fact that another human being doesn’t have full access to clean water should quite frankly appall us.” – Zaynab, 15, Interpal volunteer

People in the UK sometimes are caught unaware of the obligations that we as a country have in regards to supporting less privileged countries. In our case supporting the many Palestinians who do not have access to clean water, which is in fact one of the basic human rights falling under “the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his families.” Many say that we are to focus on the issues that occur in the country, however such a fixed mindset is old fashioned for such an open minded generation – yet we are still faced with the issue of people whom are only too willing to believe that they have no obligation whatsoever to aid those living in a country that needs our help. How is one capable of living their lives, naive to the pain and suffering of those living today with little separating us apart from the odd piece of land and sea?
The very fact that another human being – similar to ourselves, yet due to the misfortune of their circumstances in another part of the world, doesn’t have full access to clean water should quite frankly appall us. Together we should be working towards the goal of establishing such an elementary need.
We complain about having to wash the dishes, little do we know there are those people who are pining to have the ability to wash the dishes in clean water, we have become spoilt. In the sense that we are no longer able to differentiate between a chore and a goal in the eyes of others. An understanding, that there are those who do not have the means to perform a basic act of washing the dishes something that most of us are strongly opposed to, myself included.
Your donation will not only provide Palestinians with clean water to perform daily acts that we take for granted. It will also provide them with hope, hope in the sense that they are to have a better future, in which they can ask their children to wash the dishes. Without the concern that the water is dirty or does not flow from the taps, but to focus solely on the fact that their children will most likely be too engrossed in the latest TV show.
Zaynab, 15, London.
(A little about me: my name is Zaynab and I am proud to call myself a volunteer at Interpal. It made me think, I was once so ignorant in the sense that I was only concerned with what is happening to me in my world, one could call me besotted in myself, but after joining the team I was made aware that the world did not in fact revolve around me (much to my disappointment). But rather there were those outside my perfectly formed bubble who had to deal with things I would find myself incapable of dealing with once let alone consistently coming across them.)
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