#InternationalDayoftheGirlChild – Rawan, Aged 6
On #InternationalDayoftheGirlChild we are focusing on women and girls from Palestine who are achieving despite the odds stacked against them.
Rawan lives in Burj El-Barajneh refugee camp in Lebanon. She was born with a congenital deformity; she suffers from leg length discrepancy and deviation backbone. Rawan hs had several operations and needs a medical device attached to her leg to be able to walk.
Rawan is a first-grade student at the UNRWA Tulkaren School and is very hardworking. She loves drawing and reading but it is sometimes difficult for her to make friends as she cannot walk, run or play. She would like to be able to run in the school playground and race with her classmates. Her mother comes to school with her every day and also carries her to the hospital. Rawan spends most of her spare time playing with her sister Rana, who is also her best friend.
Rawan is extremely brave as she rarely complains despite the great pain she is constantly in. As the medical devices were too expensive for hte family to pay, our Social Welfare Fund helped to cover a part of Rawan’s treatment. Rawan also received toys to play with to help her recovery process.
If you’d like to help a Palestinian girl like Rawan, please give us a call on 0208 961 9993 or visit www.interpal.org Girls across Palestine and the refugee diaspora need your support to empower them to become the future #GirlBosses of tomorrow.
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