UK must take immediate action to uphold international law in Occupied Palestine

Protest against Israel & US aid to Israel and for a free Palestine on May 15th, San Francisco CA, 2021 [Patrick Perkins / Unsplash]
Protest against Israel & US aid to Israel and for a free Palestine on May 15th, San Francisco CA, 2021 [Patrick Perkins / Unsplash]

The following is an open letter by fifteen UK NGOs, urging the British government to take immediate action in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.  In support of this message, we urge you to write to your MP too.

UK NGOs Call on the UK Government to Support UN Resolution on ICJ Advisory Opinion and Take Immediate Action to Uphold International Law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

As a collective voice of UK humanitarian, development, human rights and faith-based agencies working in and on the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel, we strongly urge the UK Government
to vote in favour of the UN General Assembly resolution that supports the ICJ Advisory Opinion on the ‘Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem’ and demands concrete measures to uphold international law, especially in implementing accountability for ongoing violations in Gaza and the West Bank.

We urge the UK Government to immediately implement all obligations as set out in the ICJ Advisory Opinion in full, including by ensuring the UK is not rendering aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by Israel’s illegal presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. We urge the UK Government to immediately suspend all UK arms exports to Israel, which risk fuelling violations of international law and atrocity crimes in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. We ask the UK Government to strongly condemn Israel’s aid obstruction and humanitarian violations, and to enforce an immediate ceasefire at the UN Security Council.

  1. Action For Humanity
  2. Amos Trust
  3. Caabu
  4. CAFOD
  5. Care International UK
  6. Embrace the Middle East
  7. Humanity & Inclusion UK
  8. Interpal
  9. Islamic Relief UK
  10. Medical Aid for Palestinians
  11. Oxfam GB
  12. Quakers in Britain
  13. Sabeel-Kairos UK
  14. War on Want
  15. Welfare Association
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