Ramadan Iftar Challenge

Interpal Ramadan Iftar Challenge

Join Interpal and feed as many vulnerable Palestinians as possible this Ramadan by organising your very own charity iftar!

This could be in your home, local restaurant or community centre. Share your iftar meal with your friends, family and members of your community while raising vital donations to feed the fasting in Palestine.

“Whoever feeds a fasting person will have a reward like that of the fasting person, without any reduction in this reward.” [Al Tirmidhi]

Feed 20 Palestinians

The minimum fundraising target is £50, which can feed 20 people in need.

If you are ready to start, just click on the Fundraise for this Project link on the right.

To help you get started, download our guide to organising your own iftar, and a book with quick recipes!

Ramadan Iftar Challege - Guide to organising your own Iftar

Host your own iftar
Guide Book

Click to download the guide

Ramadan Iftar Challege - Recipe Book

Host your own iftar
Recipe Book

Click to download the recipe book

Support Palestine

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