Our Blogs
The Rt Hon Stephen Timms MP hosted a well-attended parliamentary event for Interpal at the end of October on “A vision for the future: meeting the special needs of Palestinian children”. Speakers included Ibrahim Hewitt, Interpal’s Chairman, Chris Gunness, Director of Advocacy and Strategic Communications at the United Nations Relief…
A Vision for the Future – Meeting the Special Needs of Palestinian Children
A Vision for the Future: Meeting the special needs of Palestinian children On Monday 26 October, Interpal hosted an event in parliament on the special needs of Palestinian children. This event was sponsored by Rt Hon Stephen Timms MP and over 60 people attended, including MPs and Lords, journalists, human…
Fathia Abdu in partnership with Interpal welcomes you to Women Only Fitness Extravanganza! Join us on Saturday 21st November at Fitness First Thomas More Square for a fantastic afternoon of fitness (Intensive body workout, Bellyrobics, Zumba…) All profits go to charity! £12 – One class £21 – Two classes £30…