Our Blogs

Interpal’s supporters reached new heights on the weekend, taking part in our Scafell Pike Challenge to raise funds for Palestinian refugees. If you’re feeling inspired by these beautiful pictures, why not get involved? Email fundraising@interpal.org for more information!

Today we are celebrating World Food Day, a global day of action when people around the world unite to declare their commitment to eliminate hunger in our lifetime. In Palestine and the refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan, food insecurity remains an important issue. According to UNRWA, food insecurity in…

Meet 7 year-old Ahmad, from Jordan! 7 year-old Ahmad lives in Al-Nasr refugee camp in Jordan, with his mother and his 5 siblings. Ahmad suffers from brain atrophy and epilepsy and is entirely dependent on his mother to care for him. “He cannot walk or eat without my help; he…