Our Blogs

A football tournament in memory of the Bakr Boys 200 footballers took part in the Bakr Cup Football Tournament in Glasgow, in memory of the 4 boys from the Bakr Family who were killed on the beach during the 2014 Gaza’s assault.  A word from Adeel, Interpal Fundraiser: “I’m very happy…

They walked for Gaza! Last September, Afsana organised a sponsored walk for Gaza, where over 30 people took part and helped raise £5,426. In February, with support from her family and the local community Afsana had already organised a food charity event and raised £3,100 for Interpal. In total £8,526…

Sisters’ Trek – Eid Gifts for Palestinian Children Here are some lovely pictures of Interpal’s Trek in the Peak District! As you can see, our team was lucky with the weather! The money raised was used to provide Palestinian children with Eid gifts. Such a great effort – well done…

From Oslo to Apartheid | IMEU

From Oslo to Apartheid | IMEU A very interesting factsheet by theimeu​

An inspiring charity dinner! 250 people attended the Prophetic Sacrifice, a free charity dinner organised by our Birmingham Team to commemorate the symbolic sacrifice of Prophet Abraham during the sacred month of Dhul Hijjah. A delicious three course dinner was provided and our guests had the opportunity to listen to…