Our Blogs

You can help Palestinians access their right to an education by visiting www.interpal.org or calling 020 8961 9993.

We would like to say a huge thank you to Sister Khalisa Ahmed and her team for organising a Family Fun Day to help Palestinians in need. They raised an impressive £2,274! If you would like to create your own fundraising event for ‪#‎Palestine‬, please visit www.fundraise.interpal.org or call 020…

Like watching or playing football and also want to help Palestinians in need? Then take part in Goals 4 Gaza. A group of fundraisers are organising a football tournament to raise funds for Interpal’s education campaign. Get involved!

Help remove the obstacles to education facing Palestinian children. Visit www.interpal.org or call 020 8961 9993 ‪#‎BackToSchool‬

Back to school? Obstacles to education in Palestine

Whilst the majority of children around the world are preparing to go back to school next month, for the children of Gaza and the West Bank it is still uncertain whether the school gates will be open.  The occupied Palestinian territories are reliant on the United Nations Relief and Works…