Our Blogs

Call 020 8961 9993 or email y.hasso@interpal.org for more info.

You can help Palestinians access their right to an education by visiting www.interpal.org or calling 020 8961 9993.

We would like to say a huge thank you to Sister Khalisa Ahmed and her team for organising a Family Fun Day to help Palestinians in need. They raised an impressive £2,274! If you would like to create your own fundraising event for ‪#‎Palestine‬, please visit www.fundraise.interpal.org or call 020…

Like watching or playing football and also want to help Palestinians in need? Then take part in Goals 4 Gaza. A group of fundraisers are organising a football tournament to raise funds for Interpal’s education campaign. Get involved!

Help remove the obstacles to education facing Palestinian children. Visit www.interpal.org or call 020 8961 9993 ‪#‎BackToSchool‬