Our Blogs

Yesterday, Interpal distributed vouchers to Palestinian refugees in the north of Lebanon to help families buy the food items they need before ‪‎Ramadan ‬begins. We also delivered food packages to displaced Syrians in the Baddawi Refugee Camp. If you’d like to donate, call us on 020 8961 9993 or visit…

Stand with Palestine: Tune into our first Ramadan Live Appeal from 9:30pm this evening and help us raise much needed funds for Palestinians in need! Islam Channel: Sky 806 Live Studio: 0207 374 6423 Donation Hotline: 0208 961 9993

This Ramadan, stand ‪with Palestine‬! Tune into our first ‪‎Ramadan‬ Live Appeal on the Islam Channel (Sky 806) tomorrow evening and help us raise funds for Palestinian refugees. We’re still looking for volunteers: call 020 8961 9993 or email volunteers@interpal.org if you’re available! Thank you for your support.

Take a look at these great pictures of the Family and Community Therapy project, run by the Palestine Trauma Centre in ‪‎Gaza‬. We are very proud to support this project that includes psychological support and fun activities for traumatised children. You can visit www.ptcuk.org for more information.

The Blessed 99 Names of Allah (swt) (1-3)

The Blessed 99 Names of Allah (swt) (1-3)