Our Blogs

The Friends of Lazarus Home for Girls works to support the most vulnerable in Palestinian society and provides a safe home, education and love to young girls with no one else to rely on. We recently provided them with a £15,000 grant to support the completion of the home.  Visit…

Providing Gazan Hospitals with new X-ray machines  Thanks to your generous donations we recently provided the Haifa Medical Centre with a mobile x-ray C-arm device. The Medical Centre, which serves over 30,000 people in the local area, was unable to afford the £100,000 x-ray device. Many hospitals were targeted by…

Raise For Life – over £18,500 raised!  Over 70 people took part in the Regency 10k run in Leamington Spa on Sunday 19th April. See the pictures here – Raise for Life is working with Interpal to help raise funds to buy material for temporary housing for families currently residing…

Against the Odds: Young girl from the West Bank converts plastic in to fuel

Nearly half of Palestinians in the West Bank live below the poverty line. Families are often forced to forego commodities such as fuel in order to afford food and water. Afnan Hamad is a student from Ramallah in the West Bank and thought of an ingenious way to work around…