Our Blogs

The Fantastic Four are raising funds for Palestine!

Help the Fantastic Four (Farida, Diana, Koysor & Ali) raise £800 for Palestinians in need!  https://mydonate.bt.com/fundraisers/fantastic4#

Palestinian women’s double burden

Today marks International Women’s Day. On this day, women (and men) around the world gather to mark the progress that the women’s rights movement has made over the years, to call for change and to “celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role…

Helping restore homes in Gaza

This apartment building in Gaza was about to collapse due to poor construction and years of attacks in the area. The lives of 150 residents living there were at serious risk. The only solution was to remove the upper floors of the building to reduce the heavy load and risk…

Babies die in Gaza due to the resource siege

Babies die in Gaza due to the resource siege

Interpal's Challenges 2015

Interpal’s Challenges 2015 Check out our challenges for this year! Have fun, get fit and make a difference! For more information, contact our Bradford Office on 01274 656985.