Our Blogs

In photos: Gaza families live in rubble of their bombed homes

In photos: Gaza families live in rubble of their bombed homes

We recently went back to visit families that your donations helped during the ‪Gaza‬ assault. This time we delivered blankets, mattresses and ‪‎winter‬ clothes for children.

We’ve got 4 tickets to the first ever screening of PennyAppeal’s American Sharia movie, showing today at 6pm at the Hackney Empire ! They sold out weeks ago, so if you missed out on yours, please contact Ebrahem on 07 703 650 685. Thanks!

What are we supposed to do now? We just want to live like everyone else. We need food, water and electricity — and we need to keep our children safe. We cannot do that here. Um Ahmad, pharmacist, mother of three children, Gaza. Read more

Race To Raise Presents…Dine For Palestine – Saturday 21st February 2015 Sisters Yasmin, Kareema and their team have volunteered their efforts to organise a wonderful charity dinner in aid of the Palestinian people. With a range of great speakers and entertainers, it is a must-attend dinner. Tickets are only £10 so…