Our Blogs
The Balfour Declaration was a statement in the form of a letter from the British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Walter Rothschild, a leading figure in the British Zionist community, written on 2 November 1917. The letter made it clear that the British government backed the establishment of a ‘national…
Palestinian children and young adults with disabilities face barriers to movement, education, healthcare and employment, increasing their vulnerability and their isolation from society as a whole. While families and communities play an important role in tackling the barriers they face, high levels of poverty brought on by the ongoing occupation…
Ongoing violence, poverty and restrictions on movement in the occupied Palestinian territories are having a devastating impact on the mental health of Palestinians. A United Nations report published in September 2014, estimated that 400,000 people were in need of urgent physical and psychological support in Gaza, following Israel’s ‘Operation Protective…
The siege on Gaza has left more than half of the population in poverty. People with disabilities can be the worst affected, with many unable to afford basic essentials, including wheelchairs. This is why we continue to deliver wheelchairs to hundreds of individuals across Gaza every year. Check out these…
Cancer patients in Gaza are in desperate need of lifesaving medical aid. The besieged Gaza Strip has suffered from a chronic shortage of medical supplies for years, with up to half of all essential medicines and medical disposables continually at zero stock levels- that’s less than one month’s supply available…