Our Blogs

Trauma: A quiet crisis

The images transmitted from Palestine look like what we have come to expect from a war-zone. Children, shell-shocked and crying from artillery shooting. Weeping women lying beside the ruins of derelict building that once was the roof over her head. Young men, stricken and angry, fists clenched in a gesture…

#InternationalDayoftheGirlChild – Rawan, Aged 6

On #InternationalDayoftheGirlChild we are focusing on women and girls from Palestine who are achieving despite the odds stacked against them. Rawan lives in Burj El-Barajneh refugee camp in Lebanon. She was born with a congenital deformity; she suffers from leg length discrepancy and deviation backbone. Rawan hs had several operations…

Back to School 2016 in Lebanon

As kids around the world prepared for the start of the 2016 school year, our team in the Lebanon Field Office were hard at work distributing schoolbags, tuition fees and supplies to families and teachers to help ease the burden at this time of year.

#NationalPoetryDay – ‘Travel Tickets’, Samih al-Qasim

To mark #NationalPoetryDay we celebrated Palestinian poets at home and in the diaspora. Who is your favourite?

#NationalPoetryDay – ‘I Come from There’, Mahmoud Darwish

To mark #NationalPoetryDay we celebrated Palestinian poets throughout history, at home and in the diaspora. Who is your favourite?