Our Blogs
In May 2016, Interpal Lebanon Field Office delivered educational material and pedagogical toys to two kindergarten in Lebanon’s refugee camps (Bekaa and Tyre). The toys included children’s books, reading corner, mobility toys, music instruments, kids’ fancy dress costumes, Lego, Sport & gymnastic corner and a basketball rim!
The Times apologises for ‘anti-Semitism’ suggestion against MEMO editor The Times in London has printed an apology for an article published on 2 May, in which it was implied that MEMO’s senior editor is ‘anti-Semitic’. The newspaper accepted that the suggestion in t… Source: www.middleeastmonitor.com/20160530-the-times-apologises-for-anti-semitism-suggestion-against-memo-editor/
Over £500 was raised at our second Coffee Morning for Palestinians in need in Bradford! Look at all these beautiful cakes!
On Nakba Day, dozens of Interpal’s supporters walked the length of the Victoria Line to revisit the catastrophic events of the longest running refugee crisis in the world. They managed to raise an impressive £2722,50!