Our Blogs
Dhul Hijjah is a time of religious devotion, a time for us to remember the sacrifice and obedience that Prophet Ibrahim (AS) showed to Allah (SWT) above all others. On the tenth day we observe Eid al Adha, and mark our obedience to Allah SWT with sacrifice and celebration. This…
Today is International Falafel Day. The people of the Levant take their falafel very seriously and whilst its origins are unclear, Palestinians consider it a national dish and it is eaten at any time of day, everyday. You can’t walk too far in the West Bank, Gaza, or the refugee…
Today marks Al Naksa, or ‘the setback’. The June War in 1967 saw Israel take over all of historical Palestine and begin is military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. Over 300,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes and it would be decades before the brutal nature of the…
After 11 days of relentless bombardment that killed over 230 people in Gaza, a ceasefire is very necessary but the people of Gaza need more… These last 11 days have seen the people of Gaza experience daily terror and lose friends, family, livelihoods and their homes. The fallout of the…
The Nakba, or “The Catastrophe” is the name given to the events in 1948 which saw over 750,000 Palestinians displaced from their homes and thousands killed to make way for the creation of the state of Israel. The Nakba set the stage for millions to be born into poverty and…