Our Blogs

5 things you can do on World Water Day

Access to sanitation and clean drinking water is a human right that millions of Palestinians are denied. Today, on World Water Day, we are asking you to support Palestinians’ right to water. Here are 5 things you can do to help: 1. Watch this short video to learn more about…

Happy ‪World Poetry Day‬!

We’d like to share one of Mahmoud Darwish’s most famous poems, “I Come From There”: I come from there and I have memories Born as mortals are, I have a mother And a house with many windows, I have brothers, friends, And a prison cell with a cold window. Mine…

10 things you should know about the water crisis in Palestine

1. According to international humanitarian law, Israel is responsible for the welfare of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza, which includes ensuring that Palestinians have access to clean water. Under international humanitarian law, an occupying power is responsible for the welfare of the civilian population and must ensure…

URGENT: 7 year-old Ilya’a and her family need your help

One of our staff in London is raising funds for a family in desperate need in Gaza. 7 year-old Ilya’a lives with her parents and her six brothers and sisters. Her father sadly became redundant from his post as a journalist and is currently unemployed. He has been struggling to…

Send a letter to the Secretary of State for International Development

We need your help to urge Justine Greening MP, Secretary of State for International Development, to uphold the pledges that the UK government has made and ensure that Palestinians have access to ‪water‬. Visit www.zerostocklist.org and click on “Send a letter” or inbox us to get a letter template. Thank…